Mobile Chiropractic

Dr. Jolene Laughlin of The Homeplace Chiropractic offers the services of a mobile chiropractor to residents of Greeley, CO.

What Are the Advantages Presented by Mobile Chiropractors?

Chiropractic care can make a huge difference in your quality of life. Their assistance can prove vital in different ways.

If you’re struggling with chronic joint pain, your chiropractor can administer spinal adjustments and other treatments to address that issue. Chiropractors can also provide treatments that alleviate stiffness, muscle weakness, and numbness.

The injury solutions provided by chiropractors also have lasting results. You can expect lasting relief because chiropractors target the underlying causes of common musculoskeletal injuries.

Despite how appealing those benefits are, you may hesitate to seek chiropractic treatment due to scheduling issues. Overcoming those scheduling issues is possible if you work with a mobile chiropractor. You can schedule an appointment with a mobile chiropractor at your home to take advantage of whatever openings are available in your schedule.

For some patients, receiving treatment from a mobile chiropractor may be their only option. Due to the injuries you’re already dealing with, sitting in a waiting room or getting to the office may simply be too hard on your body. Receiving treatment at home serves as a solution to that conundrum.

It’s also worth noting that the quality of your care doesn’t change whether your treatment occurs at a clinic or inside your home. Mobile chiropractors can modify their treatment approach based on the needs of their patients. You can count on them to address your injuries effectively, even if they aren’t working in a familiar environment.

Dr. Laughlin of The Homeplace Chiropractic can serve as your mobile chiropractor in Greeley, CO, and the surrounding area.

How Do You Choose a Mobile Chiropractor?

The advantages of working with a mobile chiropractor are undeniable. So, how should you go about finding one?

Experience is the most important point of consideration if you’re looking for a mobile chiropractor. Mobile chiropractors must adapt to different environments. Only healthcare providers with significant experience can do that without any issues.

You should also confirm what services a chiropractor can provide. Ideally, your mobile chiropractor should provide various services so you can determine which one suits you best. Getting the most out of chiropractic care is only possible if you receive compatible treatment.

Mobile chiropractors should also be familiar with their areas of operation. That familiarity will allow them to reach your home without avoidable delays.

Call 970-673-8486 and speak to Dr. Laughlin of The Homeplace Chiropractic if you’re looking for a mobile chiropractor in Greeley, CO.

Our Location


809 30th Ave. #2,
Greeley, CO 80634


8 AM - 6 PM


8 AM - 6 PM




8 AM - 6 PM





